TV Drama: Cuffs (Textual Analysis)


TASK 1: Watch the opening sequence of episode one of TV Crime Drama Cuffs. You should make notes on a textual analysis grid looking at:
  • Camera
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scene
TASK 2: Next, pick three still images from the extract, print them out and stick them into your books.

For each of these images you will need to complete an analysis grid for each frame you have selected. Underneath each image answer the following questions to help guide your analysis.


Answer these questions below for each of your three images.

What camera shot/angle has been used? What does this convey?
Is the shot static or is there movement? Why?

How does the clip fit into the sequence? Does it reveal something?
Is it a cutaway? Or is it continuity editing?

Is the sound heard diagetic or non-diagetic?
What can be heard in this clip? What atmosphere does it create?

Mise en scene
What are the character wearing? How does this represent them?
What lighting has the cinematographer chosen? Why?
What objects can be seen? What does this add to the scene?
How have the actors been directed? How are they acting?

Task 3: Answer this exam style question in your book. The question is worth 10 marks and so you will need to write just over a side in your book. Deal with each bullet point in turn and remember to use the media terminology from your moving image glossary to describe the examples from the extract in your answer.

Analyse how far the extract depicts the police's point of view rather than the criminal point of view. In your answer you must:
  • analyse aspects of the extract using examples to support your analysis
  • judge how far these aspects depict the police's point of view.
