GCSE Coursework Introduction: YouTube

For your GCSE coursework you will be given a brief to create a magazine targeted at a specific target audience. This is worth 30% of your GCSE grade and so you need to be ready to showcase your layout, photography and journalistic skills. 

At the end of Year 9, your teacher gave you a task designed to practise these essential Media Studies skills. You need to complete this task as your first piece for Year 10.

You were asked to create your own original YouTube star. You now know how YouTubers appeal to their target audiences and are going to use this knowledge to create a magazine article about your own original YouTube star. The article needs to be an interview or feature about your imaginary star which would be read by their subscribers. 

Magazine companies are aware of the appeal of celebrity YouTubers and they would include these kinds of features for their readers. It would be a selling point of their magazine.

Task: Create a magazine feature article about a fictional YouTuber. Your article will be for a double page spread in a magazine targeted at a 14-18-year-old audience.

  • Write a 400 word article
  • Draw a flat plan (fold an A4 paper in half and design the layout)
  • Create the double page spread including your own copy and a suitable image.
You will need to include the following conventions (see the example image above for inspiration):

  • Title
  • By-line
  • Image
  • Caption
  • Copy
  • Graphics
  • Page Branding
  • Page Numbers
