TV Drama: Conventions

Conventions of TV Crime Drama

Conventions are things you expect to see. 

Think about TV Crime Drama (or even films around Crime) that you have seen and complete the following tasks:

TASK 1: Compile a list in your books of as many conventions of the genre (TV Crime Drama) as possible. 

  • Underneath each convention, give a clear example from a TV programme or film.
  • You may add images (print, cut and stick) to each one to illustrate. 
  • Aim for at least 15 conventions.

You will be doing something similar after you have watched 'Cuffs' and 'The Avengers'.

TASK 2: Cuffs Research

Find out the following:

  • Who are the cast? (List the top 6 characters)
  • Who directed the series?
  • Who was the writer for the series?
  • Who produced it?
  • Where was it filmed?
  • Create a plot outline for the first episode.
Print out and add images of the cast to support your research.

EXTENSION: On PowerPoint, paste a clip of a Cuffs scene and begin to analyse the conventions within that clip by listing them on the slide. (CREDITS AVAILABLE)
