TV Drama: Textual Analysis

What is textual analysis?

Textual analysis is a skill you will need to succeed for part of your media exam. It is the ability to break down a scene or shot and assess how it communicates meaning to an audience.

TASK: Watch the following clip (8:30 - 11:20)

TASK: In your books answer the following questions about the clip. They are written in chronological order.

1. How does the director establish the protagonist of the scene?
2. What does the camera do to increase tension within the extract?
3. What elements of mise en scene establish the antagonists of the extract?
4. How type of sound is used to increase tension throughout the extract?
5. Why do you think the director decided to leave the violence off screen?
6. What shot is used to show the victim as dead and why?
7. What is the technique used to convey time passing?
8. How does the inspector's actions mimic the power imbalance between her and the child?

CREDIT CHALLENGE: Answer the following question.

How does the director of the scene create tension within the extract? Refer to Camera/Sound/Editing and Mise en Scene.
