TV Drama: The Town of No Return (The Avengers)

The Town of No Return

TASK: Write down a synopsis (a brief summary) of what happens in the episode you have watched. Does The Avengers conform to Todorov's Narrative Theory?

Traditional Narrative Theory

Traditionally, narrative structures followed a formula which was identified by the theorist Tzvetan Todorov.

Todorov studied classic fairy tales and stories.

He discovered that narratives moved forward in a chronological order with one action following after another. In other words, they have a clear beginning, middle and end.

Todorov also suggested that the characters in the narrative would be changed in some way through the course of the story and that this would be evident by the resolution.

This traditional story arc format is known as a linear narrative:

StepsWhat happens
1The narrative starts with an equilibrium
2An action or character disrupts the equilibrium
3A quest to restore the equilibrium begins
4The narrative continues to a climax
5Resolution occurs and equilibrium is restored

TASK: Research Emma Peel.
- How many actresses auditioned for the role?
- What was the name of the actress who got the role but was quickly released?
- Who was the actress that finally played her?
- Why was she called Emma Peel?
- What does Emma Peel represent in society?

Textual Analysis


TASK: Watch the following clip and complete a textual analysis grid for it.
Focus on the following key areas:

Camera Shots / Angles (Close up, long shot, high angle etc.)
Editing (Cross-cutting, jump cut, shot-reverse-shot etc.)
Sound (Diegetic / Non-Diegetic, Soundtrack, Music etc.)
Mise en scene (Costume, Lighting, Staging, Direction of actors)

TASK 2: Answer the following questions in your books.

How does the director create tension within the scene?
- Refer to the FOUR key areas of media language in your analysis.

How is Emma Peel represented within the scene?
- Refer to the FOUR key areas of media language in your analysis.


TASK: Complete another textual analysis grid for the following scene.

TASK TWO: Using your notes from the textual analysis grid answer the following questions.

1. How does The Avenger's use media language to introduce us to the character of Emma Peel.
2. How does media language represent the changing social attitudes in the extract?

NEXT STEP: Swap your work with your partner and take out a green pen. Tick any references ot media language in their response.
