Media Industries: The Lego Movie Videogame

The Lego Movie Videogame

TASK 1: Answer the following questions.

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1. Who provides age ratings to videogames in the UK?
2. What is the PEGI system and what are the ratings in that system?

TASK 2: Watch the following trailer and answer the following questions.

1. Identify three ways that the videogame appeals to the audience; refer to the trailer.
2. How many different platforms is the game available on?
3. What two companies are credited in the trailer that make the videogame?

TASK 3: Below you will find Blumler and Katz Uses and Gratification Theory. Ensure you have this written down in your books.

TASK 4: Answer the following questions in your books.


1. Identify the organisation that 'age rates' video games in the UK. (1 Mark)

2. Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film. (4 Marks) 

3. Explain at least two uses and gratifications of video games using Blumler and Katz's theory. Refer to The Lego Movie Video Game to support your answer. (10 Marks)
