Magazines: MOJO Magazine

GCSE Paper 2 Section A (Music)

  • In Paper 1 Section A (Music) students will engage with one in-depth study covering MOJO Music Magazine.
Example Question 1:
Refer to Extract 1 in the Insert. Analyse the representation of musicians in Extract 1, which is from MOJO Magazine. (5 Marks)

Example Question 2:
Refer to Extracts 1 and 2 in the Insert. How far is media language used differently in Extracts 1 and 2 to reflect genre conventions? 
In your answer you must: 
 analyse examples of how media language is used similarly and differently in Extracts 1 and 2, which are from We Love Pop and MOJO magazines 
 make judgements and reach conclusions about whether there are more similarities due to genre conventions than differences in the extracts. (15 Marks)

MOJO Magazine

Introduction to MOJO Magazine (10 Minute Task)

TASK: Answer the following questions by conducting research following the link; write in your books in full sentences.

When was the first issue published?
What was the first cover story it featured and with what artists?
What type of music does it try to feature?
Where did the magazine get its title?
When did MOJO Magazine go online?

Comparing the Front Covers of MOJO Magazine

TASK TWO: Write down a list of similarities between all of the MOJO Magazine Front Covers use of media language (Use your magazine glossary)

*The first one has been done for you.

- *All MOJO magazines have a similar placement of their Masthead which is centred at the top of each issue.

TASK: Read the following information below and write down the key information under the subtitle 'MOJO Magazine: Key Information' in your books.

What you need to know

The magazine set media product, MOJO, is a serious ‘classic rock’ magazine that targets an upmarket and mature audience, reflecting the context of the economic power of the ‘babyboomer’ generation. 

In terms of media industries, MOJO is a good example of diversification. A product with a clear audience address – engaging the passion of music fans who consider themselves discerning – reflected in a consistent media language house style that is accessible for analysis. 
  • the scope of magazine, including type of artists featured
  • the range and type of articles
  • audience address
  • advertisers using the magazine
The following indicative list is given as guidance and is not exhaustive.
Learners must consider:
• the effect of ownership on magazines, for example, the effect of the major commercial publishing companies on the magazine industry, e.g. Bauer 
• how magazines are funded commercially and may use different funding models to generate income 
• the impact of production processes and technologies on the magazine industry 
• the function and types of regulation in the magazine industry.
• how magazines can be aimed at a range of audiences, for example, MOJO is aimed at a more niche,olderpredominantly male audience with a mean age of 41 
• how magazine audiences are categorized, including how readership and consumption is measured and how audiences are identified.
• how audiences may interpret the same magazines very differently and how these differences may reflect both social and individual differences.


TASK: Using your copy of your magazine front cover, you are going to compare it to another music magazine shown below. Answer the following questions about the pair of magazines below.

QUESTION 1: How do the magazines each appeal to their target audience? (5 marks)
QUESTION 2: What are the similarities and differences between the two magazines? (refer to conventions, you may wish to complete this in a table) (10 Marks)
