Magazines: MOJO Magazine's Front Covers

Analysing MOJO Music Magazines Front Covers

TODAY'S TASK: Click on the link below and complete the following tasks.

TASK 1: Select and print off THREE different front covers of any MOJO magazine between now and their first issue. 

TASK 2: Stick these into your book on separate pages. 

TASK 3: Use the magazine glossary to label the conventions that are present on the three.

TASK 4: Write a comparison exploring the similarities and differences between the three front covers you have analysed. In your comparison you should refer to the following questions.
- Who is MOJO Magazines target audience?
- How does the front cover appeal to this demographic?
- How has the magazine used images to appeal to the audience?
- How has the magazine used text to appeal to this audience?

- How has the magazine used colour and/or layout to represent themselves?
