Feedback: Promoting Media (The Lego Movie)

Assessment Feedback

DO THIS NOW: Write down the date and title in your books. 

Today you will be working through the exam questions to ensure you get your target grade or higher before you take your GCSE exam in one year's time.

TASK: Read through your exam paper and respond to any feedback you have.

TASK 2: Write down Question 1 (below) into your books and then use the following advice to write the correct answer.

Question 1: Identify the organisation that 'age rates' video games in the UK.

Feedback: Many of you wrote down PEGI. PEGI is a system that the Video Standards Council Rating Board uses to rate video games.

Correct Answer: Video Standards Council Rating Board.

TASK 3: Write down Question 2 in your books and then use the following advice to rewrite it.

Question 2: Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film.

Feedback: Many of you were too brief in your response. You need to provide two reasons and explain two of them clearly referring to the Media Industry around film/video game production.

Correct Answers must include reference to:
- branding
- public eye
- publicity
- diversification
- convergence
- profit

TASK 4: Write down Question 3 in your books and then use the following advice to rewrite it.

Question 3: Explain at least two uses and gratification of video games using Blumler and Katz's theory. Refer to The Lego Movie Video Game to support your answer.

Feedback: Some of you clearly did not know the FOUR areas of Blumler and Katz's theory. This is the only theory you need to know in detail at GCSE so ensure you do. To answer the questions you need to apply the theory to the video game.

Correct Answers must include reference to:
- Brief explanation of audience gratification
- Demonstrate an understanding of all FOUR areas.
- Using evidence from The Lego Movie Video Game identify evidence that supports Blumler and Katz theory for at least two.
- Make reference to what audiences gain from playing the game.

TASK 5: Write down Question 4 in your books and then use the following advice to rewrite it.

Question 4: Analyse how genre codes have been used in The Lego Movie poster campaign to appeal to a family audience.

Feedback: Answers, again, were too brief. They need to refer exrtensively to the details within the poster. Too many of you briefly mentioned the features of the poster and made simple references to a non-specific audience. You must ensure that, for higher grades, you are being as detailed and analytical as possible.

Correct answers must refer to: 
- Cast
- Tagline
- Protagonist/antagonist
- Family Audience
- Facial Expression
- action/adventure
- feminism
- Proppian theory (hero, villain, princess, dispatcher etc.)
- Intertextuality
- Representation (feminism, race, gender etc.)

Homework: This must be finished for homework if it is not complete. This will be available until your exam next year to revisit.
