Magazines: Comparing Magazines

Comparing Magazines

Today's Objective: In today's lesson you will be preparing for another GCSE question where you may be asked to compare two magazine front covers, analysing how the media framework (language, representation, industry and audience) combine to appeal to a certain audience.

TASK 1: Make a list of all the similarities and differences in the front covers below using the correct terminology.

TASK 2: Answer the Question Two from the exam below in your books.

QUESTION TWO: Refer to the images below. How far is media language used differently in these extracts to reflect genre conventions?

In your answer you must: 
 analyse examples of how media language is used similarly and differently in the images, which are from We Love Pop and MOJO magazines.

 make judgements and reach conclusions about whether there are more similarities due to genre* conventions than differences in the extracts. (15 Marks)

Genre*: a style or category of art, music, or literature.
