Music: Assessment Preparation (Music Video)

Music Video Assessment Preparation

As part of the GCSE course you are being asked to study two music videos and how they communciate meaning through Media LanguageRepresentationAudience and the Social Contexts.

Click here for a glossary of terms that you should be using in your analysis.

TASK 1: Re-watch the two music videos linked below and then complete the following tasks:

Little Mix - Black Magic
The Vamps (feat. Demi Lovato) - Somebody to You

TASK 2: Once you have completed the analysis for these, answer the following question.

How is sound used in the music video Black Magic? (5 marks)

You should use the following terms: lip-synchronisation, diegetic, non-diegetic, music, soundtrack.

TASK 3: Make a comparative list of how the two music videos use media language differently.

Differences between Black Magic and Somebody to You:

The tropical location (beach/pool setting, sunshine, beautiful sunset) in STY contrasts with BM’s formal college setting (library, lecture theatre, halls, lockers)

STY is naturalistic throughout; BM uses magical elements to establish the transformation of the girls from geeks to cool/popular girls.

STY narrative based on a performance montage contrasts with BM linear narrative (school days)

TASK 4: Copy down the practice question below.

Practice Question

Explain one way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other. Refer to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer. (10 marks

*media language: key terminology such as: close up, mid shot, diegetic, costume etc.
*differ: it wants to to think about the differences within the music videos.
*one example: you need to identify one aspect of media language that is different in both music videos.

TASK 5: Answer it.

Model Paragraph

Music videos use media language such as the use of colour to create different effects to fit the meaning of the song and the musicians’ image. Uptown Funk and If I Were a Boy use very different post-production techniques. If I Were a Boy has been de-saturated in the editing process to create a monochrome effect. This effect helps to reinforce the serious narrative that is being explored. In contrast, Uptown Funk has a highly saturated look, where colours have been emphasised in post-production, to create a more vibrant look that fits with the up-beat, fun song. 

TASK 6: Use the full marks model paragraph above to assess your own work.

Write down which of the following do you think your answer belongs and explain your reasons why:

