NEA: Market Research

Market Research

For your NEA (Non-Exam Assessment) you have been asked by the exam board to produce an educational magazine for an audience of 10-13 year olds.

You will have spent the last two lessons researching an educational magazine and now you will need to turn your attention towards your own conceptual idea for your own coursework.

Before a new product is created, companies spend thousands of pounds on researching their product's audience. This is what you will be doing over the next two lessons (minus the thousands of pounds).

You must design a survey that enables you to identify the wants and needs of 10-13 year olds who are your target audience for your educational magazine. 

TASK: In your books, write down a list of (at least) 15 questions that can be in a variety of formats such as single written answers or multiple choice. There are a few examples below:

1. How old are you?
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
2. How often do you read magazines?
  • Once a day
  • Once a week
  • Once a month
  • Once every six months
  • Once every year
3. What topics do you care about the most (pick three):
  • Climate Change
  • Politics
  • Education
  • Equality
  • Careers
  • Science
  • Literature
  • Sport
  • Other: please state ____________________
TASK 2: Once you have 15-20 questions planned, you MUST show your teacher before you can begin the next task.

TASK 3: Using the following website you can now create your Survey ready to send to your friends and family for your market research. Make sure you click Sign Up for a Free Account. Use your school email address.

TASK 4: Over the summer you will need to collect and collate your responses and analyse the data. This is so when you come back you will have a good idea for what your audience wants from your magazine. This should give you the best chance to achieve a good grade.

Do NOT pay for anything, only use what is available for free. You will need to create an account; ensure that you note down your login details. If you forget your work may be lost when it comes to submission.
