TV Drama: Representation


For your GCSE exam you will also be asked to analyse how Cuffs portray characters or social groups. Cuffs has been criticised for its simplistic depictions of social groups and apparent stereotypes.

TASK: Watch the racist attack scene again and make a list of any stereotypes you notice; there are at least three clear stereotypes.

TASK: Watch a new scene from that sequence from 4:47 - 8:14 and answer the following question using the advice given below.

How does this demonstrate that Cuffs is supposed to be viewed from the police's point of view?

Refer to the following:
- Camera Angles (high angle, low angle etc.)
- Camera Shots (Wide, Long, Close up etc.)
- Sound (Diagetic, Non-Diagetic)
- Editing (Cuts, Order of Sequence)
- Mise en Scene (Costume, lighting etc.)

If you are struggling think about: 
- How do we feel like we are on the police's side?
- How do we discover the crime scene?
- What are we worried about?
- How does the director establish the motivations of the characters?

You must write a substantial amount.


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